Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Talking Point #6

"One More River to Cross"- Recognizing the Real Injury in Brown: A Prerequisite to Sharping New Remedies. By: Charles Lawrence

This reading By Lawrence talks about how blacks where separated from whites students and how America has been struggling from equality. There was a very big focus on Brown vs Board of Education and blacks where not able to get the same education as everyone else. This has caused many people of color to not get the education that they should of gotten, so with that they aren't able to proceed into a greater field of education.

"Once blacks are labeled as inferior, they are denied access to equal societal opportunities. The resulting inadequate educational preparation, poverty of cultural backgrounds, and lack of experience constitute real limitations on their ability to contribute to society, and the prophecy of their inferiority is fulfilled."
I found this quote very interesting because it reminds me of Haven because once the black students are labeled no one wants to help them. people seem to stop caring and look the other way. no student should feel inferior or even superior to anyone else. school should be a place where they should feel comfortable and able to learn because if they get taught that they are inferior that will carry on into their life and then their lives might turn out the way they should of.

"The small cadre of lawyers who formulated and implemented the BTCYWIl strategy were well aware that the desegregation of schools would not be a panacea. Their ultimate goal was full political and civil equality for Blacks; they knew that this could not be achieved until the entire system of segregation had been destroyed."
Even though segregation was not really solved during this case, it did mix things up and kind of influenced the world on segregation. in today's world i feel like we should take a chance and stand up for things instead of being afraid that what we are fighting for might be shot down. but if you take a chance, the issue might not fully be solved but something might come out of it. 

"The ultimate goal was full political and civil equality for blacks; they knew that this could not be achieved until the entire system of segregation had been destroyed.Equality of education is not enough, there can be no equality under a segregated system. The American negro is not a dominate minority; therefore he must fight for complete elimination of segregation as his ultimate goal."
Segregation should be fought against, people of color should never feel inferior to anyone. whites shouldn't feel superior to people of color. everyone should be equal and everyone should get the same equality. a colored persons goal should never be to eliminate segregation, segregation should not even exist so should be no goal or it shouldn't be the person of colors goal, it should be the white persons goal because they are the ones that are doing the segregation.
Over all i think that this article was focusing on how people if color have been fighting for segregation for the longest time and they have been hurt during the segregation of schools because they weren't getting the same opportunities as everyone else. this article was a little confusing but over all segregation has caused a lot of problems that need to be fixed. 

1 comment:

  1. Vanessa can you bring your notes from political science to fned so i can make a copy and give them back becuase i could not make it to class today please thankyou
