Monday, February 23, 2009

Talking Points # 3

Gayness, Multicultural Education, and Community
Dennis Carlson

I believe that Carlson is trying to get people to see everyone as normal, and that there are no abnormal. He also says something about how teachers should take the responsibility to teach the children to use the words "lesbian","gay","homosexual" and any other words that people are afraid to use in today's society. These words should be used in every days life because there shouldn't be anything to be ashamed about. People today think that you should not use these words because they may offend people, but really, it is okay to use these words if you use them in the proper terms. 

1) “Willard Waller, in his 1932 classic The Sociology of Teaching, argued that homosexuals should not be allowed to teach for several reasons.”

I found this quote to be interesting because it shocked me that Carlson would bring the 1930's arguments into this article. Today's methods and beliefs are very different then what they were before. I was looking at Pat's blog and he said something about how this quote weakens her statement. I agree with that because by bringing in an argument that doesn't need to be brought in. She didn't need to bring this argument in because its not up to date with today's beliefs, I feel like if she found a newer argument then her piece would be a lot stronger.

2)"gay people have for the most part been made absent, invisible, and silent within this community and at the same time represented as the deviant and pathological 'other'."

I have never realized that gays were silent and absent in today's society. But when I looked around i started to noticed that they really are. I feel the reason why they may be so silent is because they are afraid that today's society wont accept them the way that they are because they aren't normal. But what is a normal person? How can you tell a normal person from a abnormal person? This is what I would like to learn. People should accept everyone for who they are and not judge them of their race, religion or beliefs. Everyone is different so there really cant be a normal person.

3)“Three techniques of normalization and (hence) marginalization have been of primary importance in this regard: (1) the erasure of gayness in the curriculum. (2) the “closeting” and “witch hunting” of gay teachers, and (3) verbal and physical intimidation of gay teachers and students.”

When I was in high school there were a group of girls that always hung out together, and no one ever thought it was a very big deal. Everyone just thought they were really close friends but then one day someone started to a rumor calling them lesbians. I thought that no way where they lesbians but it really turned out that they really where. It surprised me because I had no clue. It shows that you can be different and have no one even know. When I ever thought of a gay or lesbian I had this image in my head and no one ever fit that image. It comes to show that when you don't know someone you should judge them because you really never know who they really are. There was also a case when my athletic director was a lesbian. No one ever knew until one day she told someone that her wife was coming this school event. Everyone started to get all weird about it and didn't want her working as the athletic director anymore, even though she was the best one we ever had, she support everyone and always gave us what we needed. But because she was a lesbian, things changed. People judge everyone when they found out the truth about someone and i feel like that is completely wrong. Everyone needs to be treated the same way and not by their ways of life. 

I liked this article because it tells everyone that it is okay to be "gay" or whatever and you shouldn't be ashamed of who you are. Everyone is different in this world and no one should be afraid to be themselves and be afraid of being judged. This article was easy to read and easy to fallow. I liked how it talked about gender and sexuality. Those are key parts in life and when you aren't able to talk about these things then you aren't ready for today society. Everyone should read this article because it really gets right to the point and has good things to say. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

think piece 2

Teaching Multilingual Children by Collier

This articles was interesting to read because i like how bilingual children re being able to speak their language in class. Its a very good idea to have time to let the children speak their language during the day and not getting in trouble if they accidental speak their language not during the scheduled time. Being bilingual is a talent because it makes you more diverse which is a good thing. i feel like being patient with the students is a good thing because if they are older its harder to learn a language. if i try to learn Spanish now, most likely i wouldn't be able to do it. The bilingual children need to get more time in the class room, and they need more time to get things explained to them. It takes time, they need to learn the codes of power because that's the only way to get through this world at this time. The codes of power do control a lot in this world and Delpit would say something about that. To fully fulfill your potentials, the codes of power will get you there and without them you wont. I liked the article, because i believe it is very important to allow the children to speak their own language. 

Monday, February 9, 2009


In McIntosh article she talks about different privileges people have. How white men have more privileges then anyone else and white women have more privileges then black men and women. She talks about how white people don't have to fear as many things as people of different ethnic groups do. Some people are born with the different privileges just because of their skin color. Women have many inequalities then men, but also she said something about how as a white women she has more advantages then people of different ethnicity. In her blog there was one part that stood out to me and it was "I can be sure that if I ask to talk to "the person in charge" I will be facing a person of my race."(McIntosh pg 3) I find this statement to be very true, because white men seem to always be in charge. Whenever you go some place and you do ask to speak to the manger, 95% it will be a white male or white female. White people seem to have more privileges then other ethnic groups because of their skin color. You can have two males, one white and one Asian, they are both highly skilled but when it comes down to picking the better person, most of the time the white male gets it. Skin color or gender should not decide what privileges someone should get, everyone should have the same privileges then everyone else, no matter if their white, black, Asian, Hawaiian, Mexican, male or women. Everyone is equal so that means everyone should get all the same privileges! 

Muwakkil article was talking about how whites believe that African Americans have just as many job opportunities as everyone else. Whites feel racism has gone down a lot and that African Americans are being treated with more respect. I feel like yeah racism has gone down a lot but it is still out there. Where ever you go you will find a group of people that are racist and you know it wrong but you don't do anything to stop it. African American people still don't get the respect they deserve and it is harder for them to get a job. Like the example i used in the first blog, if there was a white male and a black male fighting for a job, they both have the same qualities but most likely the white male will get the job over the black male. One because racism is still out there and two, most likely the person that is picking the males is most likely going to be white. I believe that everyone is racist, whites, black, asians ect. Everyone has something to say about each other. I know that not everyone means to be racist but they are. Some are more then others but its still out there. Like all the jokes you hear, yeah they are suppose to be funny but have anyone stopped to listen to the jokes carefully and think, wow this joke is really offensive. most likely no. Whites have more privileges then blacks and thats why whites get more jobs. I think it is wrong and like I have said before, everyone is equal so everyone should get the same opportunities as everyone else!