Monday, February 16, 2009

think piece 2

Teaching Multilingual Children by Collier

This articles was interesting to read because i like how bilingual children re being able to speak their language in class. Its a very good idea to have time to let the children speak their language during the day and not getting in trouble if they accidental speak their language not during the scheduled time. Being bilingual is a talent because it makes you more diverse which is a good thing. i feel like being patient with the students is a good thing because if they are older its harder to learn a language. if i try to learn Spanish now, most likely i wouldn't be able to do it. The bilingual children need to get more time in the class room, and they need more time to get things explained to them. It takes time, they need to learn the codes of power because that's the only way to get through this world at this time. The codes of power do control a lot in this world and Delpit would say something about that. To fully fulfill your potentials, the codes of power will get you there and without them you wont. I liked the article, because i believe it is very important to allow the children to speak their own language. 


  1. Good start Vanessa - I appreciate the connection to Delpit. But I want to see you get into the real details. What exactly is COllier's point in this piece?

  2. Learning another language seems like such a tough thing to do. I know I took 3 years of a language and can hardly say a sentence now. I think you're right about being patient with kids because it takes a lot of work to master two languages.
