In McIntosh article she talks about different privileges people have. How white men have more privileges then anyone else and white women have more privileges then black men and women. She talks about how white people don't have to fear as many things as people of different ethnic groups do. Some people are born with the different privileges just because of their skin color. Women have many inequalities then men, but also she said something about how as a white women she has more advantages then people of different ethnicity. In her blog there was one part that stood out to me and it was "I can be sure that if I ask to talk to "the person in charge" I will be facing a person of my race."(McIntosh pg 3) I find this statement to be very true, because white men seem to always be in charge. Whenever you go some place and you do ask to speak to the manger, 95% it will be a white male or white female. White people seem to have more privileges then other ethnic groups because of their skin color. You can have two males, one white and one Asian, they are both highly skilled but when it comes down to picking the better person, most of the time the white male gets it. Skin color or gender should not decide what privileges someone should get, everyone should have the same privileges then everyone else, no matter if their white, black, Asian, Hawaiian, Mexican, male or women. Everyone is equal so that means everyone should get all the same privileges!
Muwakkil article was talking about how whites believe that African Americans have just as many job opportunities as everyone else. Whites feel racism has gone down a lot and that African Americans are being treated with more respect. I feel like yeah racism has gone down a lot but it is still out there. Where ever you go you will find a group of people that are racist and you know it wrong but you don't do anything to stop it. African American people still don't get the respect they deserve and it is harder for them to get a job. Like the example i used in the first blog, if there was a white male and a black male fighting for a job, they both have the same qualities but most likely the white male will get the job over the black male. One because racism is still out there and two, most likely the person that is picking the males is most likely going to be white. I believe that everyone is racist, whites, black, asians ect. Everyone has something to say about each other. I know that not everyone means to be racist but they are. Some are more then others but its still out there. Like all the jokes you hear, yeah they are suppose to be funny but have anyone stopped to listen to the jokes carefully and think, wow this joke is really offensive. most likely no. Whites have more privileges then blacks and thats why whites get more jobs. I think it is wrong and like I have said before, everyone is equal so everyone should get the same opportunities as everyone else!